Request a Colonoscopy
Colorectal screenings help detect signs of colorectal cancer before symptoms develop. Screening methods, such as colonoscopies, enable doctors to:
- Identify and remove polyps before they turn cancerous.
- Detect cancer early, making treatment more effective.
Screening Guidelines
- Must be 45 or older, or have a family history that would indicate earlier screenings
- Note: If you are age 45-49, confirm your insurance coverage for a screening colonoscopy.
- If polyps were found in a prior colonoscopy, please contact your physician to determine when you are due to have another colonoscopy
- If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, or change in bowel habits at any age, please contact a physician prior to scheduling an appointment
- You must have a primary care physician for reporting or follow-up care. If you need a Primary Care physician, visit our Find a Doctor page
- If this is an urgent medical issue, please call 9-1-1