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    Services Offered

    Ear Procedures

    • Audiology for hearing loss and ear care
      • For adults and pediatric patients 4 years and older
      • Hearing evaluations to determine type/degree of loss.
      • Custom ear molds for noise or water avoidance and for musicians
      • Hearing aid fitting and dispensing, including a six-week trial period.
      • Hearing aid education, fitting, dispensing and repairs (of most brands)
      • Assistive listening device education and dispensing
      • Ear Tubes/Myringotomy Tubes - Mostly performed on children, the placement of "tubes" in the ears can be helpful to anyone with chronic ear infections. In the procedure, a tiny tube is placed in the eardrum to allow for pressure equalization and drainage of fluids.

    • Tympanoplasty - For those who have experienced a tear or perforation of the ear drum. This procedure repairs the tympanic membrane tear and reinstates the protective barrier to the middle ear. In some cases, this procedure can even help improve hearing.

    Nose and Sinus Procedures

    • Septoplasty - A procedure designed to straighten the nose (both cartilage and bone) or to help relieve some type of nasal obstruction. The surgery helps treat chronic sinusitis, inflammation, bleeding or sleep apnea.

    • Turbinate Reduction Surgery - Enlarged inferior turbinates can cause chronic nasal congestion. Even if the underlying problem is addressed, such as chronic nasal congestion or allergy, the enlargement may remain. This procedure is designed to decrease the size of the turbinates to help improve breathing through the nose.

    • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - With endoscopic sinus surgery, an endoscope is inserted into the nose, providing an inside view of the sinuses without any incisions in the face. This procedure can help relieve nasal blockages, improve breathing, and even help with the senses of smell and taste.

    Head and Neck Procedures

    • Tonsillectomy - When the tonsils repeatedly become infected (tonsillitis) or if they become so enlarged that they obstruct breathing, they sometimes need to be removed.

    • Adenoidectomy - Sometimes during a tonsillectomy, adenoids are also removed. Adenoids are two small masses of lymph tissue located on either side of the back of the throat. Adenoids are removed if they are enlarged and block the nasal passage or if they block the tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. 

