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    Services Offered

    Avoidance Testing
    All patients will be taught avoidance methods to help control their allergies. This can include limiting exposure by keeping windows closed, wrapping pillows and mattresses and not allowing pets in the house.

    Allergy Testing
    May reveal allergens that you didn't even realize were causing you problems. Testing is necessary if you wish to start immunotherapy. The allergist will ask you questions to develop a medical history and determine whether allergies run in your family. Once non-allergic conditions are evaluated and an allergy is suspected, an allergist will perform a diagnostic allergy test.

    Allergy Injections
    These can effectively lessen or prevent problems caused by many common allergens, including pollens, grass, mold, dander, and dust mites. Allergy shots are not used in the treatment of food allergies. You will develop a specific plan with an allergist.

    Asthma Management
    Depending on the type and severity of your asthma, the physician will help formulate an asthma action plan which might include one or more of the following medications: inhaled corticosteroids, long-term control medications or quick relief medications.

    Food and Drug Challenges
    A challenge is done by exposing you to what you are allergic to, in a controlled environment, under medical supervision and in gradually increasing small doses. Prior to doing a challenge, you may have blood work done to see if a challenge is right for you.

    Over the Counter Treatments
    Nasal sprays, allergy medications, eye drops and sinus rinses.
